Vision:  "workplaces vibrant with meaning and engagement." 
I have come to believe that the seeds to create such workplaces lie dormant in the hearts of all, and it is for helping professionals (coaches) to kindle the spark and inspire people (leaders) to tirelessly commit to the values of empathy, congruence to and unconditional positive regard. It is this commitment that can lead to the creation of  "workplaces vibrant with meaning and engagement" thereby helping the leaders and their loved ones lead a rich and fulfilling life. " 

Professional Experience

 Experience Summary
Years and Industries: Over 32 years in various sectors: Defense, Telecom, Banking and Finance, Talent Management consultancy. 
1. Conception, Design, and execution of various training/academic projects. 
2. Content Creation, Timetabling, and evaluation of training programs for developing frontline staff as well as line leaders involved in executing customer-focused service strategies. 
3. Training Programs: Conducting Workshops on Leadership, Managerial, Soft Skills, Selling skills, Customer Service, Ethics, Functional, Products, front-end systems, and Process Skills
Formats: eLearning, Classroom, Blended format, social
Events: Organized major leadership events featuring international authors Dan Pink, Liz Wiseman, and Adam Grant
Learning Technologies: Experience in leading multiple projects on SkillSoft, CornerStoneOnDemand, SumTotal, Blackboard, Smarpshare, SCORM, Books24X7, Learning/Talent management systems
Interests and Causes: Social Impact. 
Awards and Accolades 
Kodrati Award for Outstanding Performance from National Bank of Oman 
Distinction in Social Entrepreneurship from Copenhagen Business School 
Golden Quarter Award from Toastmaster International
Knowledge Oman- Most Valuable Member award 2013

Recent Speaking Assignments
4th Annual HR Summit, Oman - “Strategic Learning Implementation.”
3rd Annual HR Summit, Oman – “The Changing world L & D.”
MEET ICT Bahrain – “Online Learning”

Recent Articles: 
Changing landscape of L & D in Oman
Simplifying ADDIE for Oman

Recent Radio Shows and Podcasts
The Papahood Podcast with Steve Brass
Social Entrepreneurship, Oman FM
Leadership and Vision - Interview on Knowledge Talks in Oman FM 

Qualifications & Accreditations

 Certified Global Leader of Future Assessor by Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
Competency Expert Certification (ongoing) 
MBA/PGDM in HR and PM from IIMM 


After high school, Sajan joined the Air Force as a Training Instructor while I perused my career in maritime. It is thanks to social media that our paths that had once diverged crisscrossed again, thereby allowing us to reconnect and re-rediscover each other.  Our meetings are a refreshing reminder of the positive power of transformation that time brings – what once used to be animated teenage conversations have morphed into discussions on creativity, leadership, value to society and life in general. I’m continually impressed and nourished by the unique value and perspective Sajan brings to these conversations. He has emerged as an authentic leader and has been successfully running the operations for Xpertlearning in Oman. He has also been contributing by guiding and directing educational initiatives for several non-profits in Oman wherein – among other aspects - he revels at the challenge of leading without authority. Sajan is a thoughtful professional with a quest for knowledge and truth. Wish you the very best in everything you do. 
Ravi K, V.P. Customer Management - Marine/ GM ME & Africa at Rolls-Royce

We sought the services of Sajan Nair in his capacity as County Manager, XpertLearning where he was leading Oman Operations for technology-based talent development solutions. Our goal was to introduce a long-term, high impact business critical learning and development intervention for our staff, to upskill and motivate our them. We were happy to adopt his recommendation of Pearson English since communicative competency in a business setting is critical to success in our line of business. I found Sajan Nair to be talented, hard-working and continuously updated with cutting-edge knowledge in his field. He is also deeply committed to serving his customers in that we received much proactive support to help us launch, market and continually track the intervention through orientation sessions, open houses, and usage reports. The intervention was a resounding success with employees feeling enlightened and empowered. Here’s wishing Sajan Nair the very best.”
Suresh Gandhi, General Manager at Al Hashar 

As Country Manager XpertLearning, Sajan Nair led discussions to scope, implement and sustain our online learning strategies with exemplary commitment and dedication. It was after a thorough analysis of our requirements involving detailed and structured discussions with the L & D team to uncover the business context and learning needs that he recommended SkillSoft courses as well as Leadership Advantage solutions. Besides, he led customer service initiatives with responsiveness and ownership- occasionally going beyond the call of duty to ensure service is not disrupted. He also demonstrated pro-activeness in facilitating strategic learning consultancy on business alignment, adoption, learning, and ROI. I wish him the very best in his life and career
Ashraf Al Mamari, VP Corporate Affairs at Oman Oil Exploration & Production LLC

In his role as role as Country manager XpertLearning, Sajan Nair demonstrated a remarkable commitment to offering high-quality learning consultancy by first establishing the business context through careful analysis and then recommending appropriate Skillsoft Knowledge centers for QLNG. 
Further true to the spirit of partnership, he led his team to offer a cutting edge on time insights and advice on enhancing business alignment and adoption to maximize the ROI of these investments. 
His recommendations and interventions were instrumental in helping QLNG to be a Learning Organization, wherein employees took responsibility for finding the knowledge they needed. He also went beyond the call of duty to facilitate open houses, conference participation and to respond to our various requests. He is thoroughly adept in his area of expertise and backs his knowledge with a deep sense of commitment to his clients. 
We value his commitment, positive attitude and willingness to do the extra miles. I wish him the very best. 
Rashid Al-Nasri, EVP, Corporate Development 

As Country Manager, XpertLearning, Sajan offered us information and insight into various options for Talent and Learning Management systems. His carefully constructed and convincing arguments helped us choose CornerStoneOnDemand as our preferred Learning Management System. Besides, he offered end to end consultancy and project management for customizing some of our training programs into SCORM format thus automating some of our critical and recurrent training which in turn saved us a lot of money. Most importantly Sajan’s ownership and commitment to ensure customer satisfaction were consistent and noteworthy. These were seen in his tremendous leadership in customer service initiatives such as getting his team to respond to our requirements in a timely and professional manner and proactively seeking feedbacks. His professionalism and passion continue to be the predominant reason for our association with him and his company. Wishing him all the best!
Arshad Nadamal, Head - Learning & Development at National Bank of Oman

Apart from being an enthusiastic team member, Sajan has been the driver of several out of the box initiatives for the benefit of the Training team in particular and the bank as a whole. He was instrumental in bringing the Toastmasters Communication Program into the bank thereby making NBO the first bank in Oman to have such a program. He is a sincere believer in the power of reflection and sharing as a catalyst for growth. He has initiated and facilitated several focused discussions which added immense value. He also led the e-learning initiative for the bank wherein he shared his passion with enthusiasm to all leaders which resulted in generating a lot of excitement and anticipation for the implementation. He is passionate about his job and believes in learning and growth.
Khurshid Khan, Head -Talent Development at National Bank of Oman

My acquaintance with Sajan dates back to over 20 years from the time we attended the same high school. However, this relationship was cemented over the last four years when we met and worked together as business partners. Sajan has a very mature head on a steady set of shoulders with his feet placed squarely on Terra Firma. Hardly ever prone to off-the-cuff decisions and impulsive actions, he thinks through the repercussions of each decision quite profoundly, and actions the same quite decisively. The discipline and the rigor of ex-military personnel that he is seeps through all aspects of his persona. If ever one requires a person who can be depended upon to execute a set of activities flawlessly and with absolute sincerity of purpose, one does not have to look beyond Sajan. I wish him the very best in his career ahead.
Murali Krishnan Vaidyanathan, Experienced Banker, Start-up Evangelist, and Technology Enthusiast.

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